Hey there! I'm Rocko, and I am a just someone on the internet who likes to create cool stuff. I'm working as a full-stack engineer in an AI startup I like doing random projects in my freetime and contributing to open source whenever I can Fun fact: I really like foxes <3


GitHub Firefox Minima

Minimalist Firefox Theme inspired by qutebrowser. Gives Firefox a minimalist appearance and only shows the url bar when it’s focused (CTRL + L). Also, the tab bar is completely hidden when only one tab is opened, leaving the entire window for the website.

Status: Active

GitHub Indigo

Multiparadigm programming language designed to be satisfyingly functional

Status: Active

GitHub Tatoeba Lookup

Tatoeba Lookup is a WebExtension that allows users to fetch and display definitions for selected words from the Tatoeba dictionary.

Status: Active

GitHub IntelliJ Haskell LSP

Haskell LSP is a plugin that provides Haskell language support for IntelliJ IDEA. It uses the Haskell Language Server to provide features like code completion, go to definition, and more.

Status: Active

GitHub Aurora

A x86 kernel written in C mostly as a learning experience

Status: Inactive/Toy

GitHub Opilio

Primitive web renderer

Status: Inactive/Toy

GitHub Rival Battery

macOS application to show SteelSeries mouse battery level in menu bar. Inactive, because I use a different mouse now.

Status: Inactive/Toy

GitHub Roamer

A tool which aims to simplify and streamline the deployment of jobs onto Nomad clusters.

Status: Inactive/Toy